Customer Bonded Warehouse/Warehouse Information System
- Bonded Warehouse module can be operated with Warehouse module in integrity
- Follow-up of goods entry and exit on the basis of Bonded Warehouse book number
- Bonded Warehouse location tracking
- Preparation of loading, unloading, storage and distribution tariffs on a customer and goods basis
- Automatic invoicing based on tariff
- Preliminary price calculation
- Printing of labels for goods entry and exit
- Transfer of the goods from the bonded warehouse to warehouse
- integration with customs declarations, land, sea, air and railway transport modules
- Official Bonded Warehouse book printing
- Reports on the basis of customers, goods, customs declarations etc.
- Automatic bonded warehouse entry, exit and location control operations *
- It is in full compliance with the Annex-83 legislation.
* With hand terminal module

Customer Bonded Warehouse/Warehouse Information System
- Customers may see on the web, through using the user codes and passwords provided to themselves, their commodities contained in the warehouse and the entrance and exit movements, which occurred with regard to these commodities.
- Customers may also reach the invoices made out for themselves and current account statements, in real time, if the necessary authorization is made.

Bonded Warehouse/ Warehouse Hand Terminal Integration
- Hand terminal integration module is designed uniquely for the customer’s needs and enables to perform warehouse acceptance and addressing goods during the entrance stage, and correct good determination and preliminary exit during the exit stage by the help of barcode labels.