Customer Logistics Information System
- This module allows the customers to track the status of their goods by internet. Each customer is given a user ID and password, and the customer is able to track the status of her own cargo as a consignee or shipper. The status can be defined by the users and associated to the dates in the software. Besides the current status of the cargo, expected arrival and estimated delivery dates can be followed as well. All the tracking data can be exported from the software in excel etc. format by the customer.
- If the electronic archive module is used, archived documents can be followed on the web. System will ask whether to upload or not any related documents or reports to the web and enables only permitted documents to be seen by customers.
- Customer Logistics Information systems allows its customers to reach also to the accounting data. Customers can see their current balances on transaction basis and can reach to the details of any transaction like the content of invoices.